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Before we get started, do you have the foundation needed to do good business? 

This Month's Best Sellers

We want to let you in on a little secret...


You’re already great in your area of genius so if you would add a few extra bells and whistles to what’s already great, your business has no choice but to increase in profit.

Whether you want to start a new business, enhance the business you already have, and/or create a new stream of income in your current business model, we have something for you.


We don't want to be the bearer of bad news but...

A business that can only produce when the CEO is  present is a business that is doomed to fail.

You as the CEO of your company is the most valuable and expensive person on your team. You’re probably doing the “busy work” of what a $40 per month system could do.

So you being able to implement systems and software into your business model will free up a lot of time.

With that new found time comes the freedom required to utilize your intellectual knowledge to create the different revenue streams needed to grow and scale your operations.

By creating one simple, automated process you gain back your time so you can focus on Money Generating Activities that will  bring in more profit.

And guess what?

Because you  created a simple process, you will never have to worry about doing that task ever again!


It's Time To Do What Needs To Be Done

So You Can Live The Life You Deserve


Bianca shellie-robinson, MBA, PMP


Bianca Shellie- Robinson is passionate about entrepreneurship education, project management, and business development. She's a pitching expert and a corporate trainer.


She has a BA in Business Management and Two Master Degrees in Project Management and Supply Chain Management. Bianca is a Business Professor teaching Business Operations and Project Management in Chicago's downtown college.



Bianca is a Business Trainer for Mastercard. Bianca has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine. Black Enterprise, and much more!

Bianca is the President of Cayden Cay Consulting which was established in 2012.

Cayden Cay Consulting is a full-service operational management firm that works with businesses to develop and manage their business infrastructure needs. We teach consultants how to create a bigger impact, gain back their independence, and increase their influence which will double their income.


Cayden Cay Consulting educates their clients on how to go from serving one client to serving many all by working less and making more money. Bianca has helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their business in all 50 states and 140 countries online and offline.

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Learn Sales-Boosting Methods To Increase Your Business Profits

In Cayden Cay Academy, we offer classes and trainings in the categories  listed below:

Marketing & Branding

Tips & tricks on how to grow and develop your brand.

Automation & Workflow

Systems & processes needed to run your business on autopilot.

Sales & Strategy

Strategic ways to develop repeat clientele, all while working less and making more.

How to go from idea to execution

Business Growth & Strategy

Effective Strategies to ensure that your bottom line is always protected.


Business do’s and don'ts on how to start, grow, and scale a business the right way.

How to build a profitable business.

Our Main Focus at Cayden Cay Academy Is....


We believe that business development tools should be accessible and easy to understand.


That’s why we’ve designed a collection of digital products that you can access from your computer or other smart device.

Would you like us to tailor a training specifically for your organization?


We offer in person and live virtual training to small businesses and  organizations.

Our training can be customized to meet your needs. Some of our most popular requests include:  

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Digital Skills 

  • Pitching

  • Productivity 

  • Corporate Innovation 

  • Building Like, Know, and Trust 

Whether your organization is looking to strengthen its sales plan or empower employees with the right tools to work productively, we have all your professional development needs covered.  


What our current Cayden Cay Academy students are saying...

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